Contact AMSA.

Something on your mind?

Want to let us know about something? Reach out to our team!

General Enquiries

For general enquiries, please contact the National Secretary Xuan Ye at [email protected].

Media Enquiries

For any media engagements please contact our Public Relations Officer Aayushi Khillan at [email protected].

Sponsorship and Partnership

For sponsorships, please contact the Sponsorship Officers Rebecca Almond and Rhana Berlin at [email protected].

National Office

AMSA has a permanent National Office in Canberra.

Address: AMSA National Office Level 1, 39 Brisbane Avenue, Barton ACT 2600

Mailing Address: PO Box 6099, Kingston ACT 2604

Treasury Enquiries

If you are a student volunteer and need to either raise an invoice to a company that owes money to AMSA, request AMSA treasury to pay for something, or request reimbursement for an expense that you incurred on behalf of AMSA, simply click on the appropriate form below, and fill in the details.

To ensure that a payment gets made by the end of the week, please ensure that you are uploading it to the form before 6pm on Wednesday, to allow the appropriate internal approval process to proceed. For any general queries or concerns regarding the finances of the organisation, either contact your relevant team treasurer or the National Treasurer Luke van Jager at [email protected].

Request to Raise an Invoice

Payment Request

Reimbursement Request

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