National Council.

Where leaders come together.

National Council is held three times annually and is one of the most important events in our calendar. Medical students come together to discuss the national policy, projects and initiatives that will shape the future of AMSA.

National Council is held three times annually and is one of the most important events in our calendar. Medical students from across the country come together to discuss national policy, projects, and initiatives. At every National Council we review, debate and pass policies that direct our advocacy. We also give updates on the activities of AMSA teams and highlight future opportunities for involvement.

Three times a year AMSA's entire leadership team converge with the broader medical student community to shape the direction of AMSA, medical student advocacy, initiatives, events and campaigns. National Council is attended by the National Executive, University AMSA Representatives, Medical Society Presidents, State Medical Student Councils, and AMSA Representative Group, Initiative Group and Event leadership, as well as medical students from around the country.

Learn more about AMSA advocacy and policy here!

Only members can attend AMSA events.

Event Calendar

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